Group Companies

Super Seeds with a visionary approach of creating linkages between Cotton breeding and farming to textile industry has conceived this company as forward integration to the Super Seeds hybrid cotton seeds division. It has Fully Automatic Cotton Ginning and Pressing (G & P) & Cotton Oil Extraction units in cotton growing locations of Haryana.

It is a shopping complex in the heart of most popular and busiest retail area "Rajguru Market” in the Hisar City. It has 4 floors including one basement space all meant for retail shopping having 12 Large Size Showrooms on each floor.

It is an upcoming premier shopping mall located in the Hisar Centre, in Red Square Market. The mall has above 15,000 sq. ft. retail development and comprises three screens including one gold multiplex and has a total seating capacity of 452. The mall has around 4,000 sq ft multi-cuisine food court on the second floor. The mall has HUDA authorised ample parking space and basement parking.
The mall is developed by ChintpurniDurga Films (P) Ltd., a concern of Super Seeds (P) Ltd Group.