Production Technology

Production Technology

Some of important technical aspects of hybrid seed production of important field crops are as below:

Crop Fs requirement/Ac Female/Male Isolation distances(Meters) Pollination Method Remarks
  Female (Kg) Male (Kg)        
Bajra 1.5 0.5 6:02 400 Wind pollination Depending upon the plant height and pollen shedding capability of pollen parent, row ratio can be increased / decreased.
Paddy 6 3 6:02 100 Shaking of male rows with sticks to ensure pollen dusting Spraying of chemicals take GA3 and leaf clipping helps in better exertion and seed set.
Sunflower 1.5 0.5 Separate blocks in 3:1 ratio 400 Pollen is collected from male plants & gently rubbed on females Pollen can be stored in refrigerators for 2-4 days in case if delay in flowering of female rows.
Maize 5 2.5 4:1 or 6:2 400  Wind Pollination De-tasselling of female rows done manually before they start shedding pollen.
Sorghum 3 1.5 8:02 250 Wind Pollination Avoid Cool and rainy days during flowering.
Cotton 0.5 0.25 2:1 50 Hand Pollination Emasculation of Female done a day before and then next day pollinated with male flowers.
Mustard 1 0.20 4:1 or 4:2 200 Wind Pollination In case of Hybrid wind pollination and in case of CMS lines, no emasculation is required.