SS 51


It is a fast growing variety and attains plant height of about 75 cms at flower initiation stage
On an average, it gives 200-240 qunitals green fodder and 40 – 50 qunitals dry matter yield per acer in about five cuttings
It contains about 20 per cent crude protein on dry matter basis at early flowering stage
 It is a fast growing variety and attains plant height of about 75 cms at flower initiation stage
On an average, it gives 200-240 qunitals green fodder and 40 – 50 qunitals dry matter yield per acer in about five cuttings
It contains about 20 per cent crude protein on dry matter basis at early flowering stage


It is a fast growing variety and attains plant height of about 75 cms at flower initiation stage
On an average, it gives 200-240 qunitals green fodder and 40 – 50 qunitals dry matter yield per acer in about five cuttings
It contains about 20 per cent crude protein on dry matter basis at early flowering stage